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              本光照培養箱內左右側裝有相應功率的光源,在外門兩側鑲有保溫性和透光性良好的特種玻璃,以減少光源入射光的熱量傳入但能滿足室內樣品所需光照度 ,同時便于觀察。 溫控采取集成運放線路 ,LED顯示 ,并有限溫保護。光照控制采用先進的智能時間程序控制儀自動控制。加熱系統采用高性能加熱元件。箱內氣流循環選用微型軸流風機合理對流以達到箱內溫度均勻。整機采用*工藝制造,內箱采用不銹鋼板制成,外箱采用優質冷軋鋼板制成,表面經噴塑處理,箱體造型美觀大方。
              SG-2501 series of small light incubator
              SG-2501 series of small light incubator is a function of the temperature in equipment, the structure of imported stainless steel liner, insulating glass, polyurethane foam insulation material selection
              SG-2500I/JDigital display light illumination incubator
              SG-2500I /J Digital display light illumination incubator is a function of the temperature in equipment, the structure of imported stainless steel liner, insulating glass, polyurethane foam insulation material selection
              SG-2500G /HDigital display light illumination incubator
              SG-2500G /H Digital display light illumination incubator is a function of the temperature in equipment, the structure of imported stainless steel liner, insulating glass, polyurethane foam insulation material selection
              SG-2500E /F light illumination incubator
              SG-2500E/F Digital display light illumination incubator is a function of the temperature in equipment, the structure of imported stainless steel liner, insulating glass, polyurethane foam insulation material selection
              SG-2500C / D digital display light incubator
              SG-2500C / D digital display light illumination incubator is a function of the temperature in equipment,the structure use imported stainless steel liner,Insulating glass, polyurethane foam insulation material selection
              SG-2500A / B Digital display light illumination incubator
              SG-2500A / B Digital display light illumination incubator is a function of the temperature in equipment, the structure of imported stainless steel liner, insulating glass, polyurethane foam insulation material selection

              上海碩光電子科技有限公司 版權所有

              ICP備案號:滬ICP備14032911號-5 管理登陸 技術支持:化工儀器網   總流量:440008  網站地圖

              • 劉先生



              用心服務 成就你我

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